The One Square Metre House

The One Square Metre House

Berlin based architect Van Bo Le-Metnzel and Corinne Rose has made the One Square Meter House at Hartz IV Möbel after collaborating with the BMW Guggenheim Lab. This is the world’s tiniest and smartest house. It is a remarkable design and completely movable from one place to another, wherever you need it. The house can be seated upright as a mobile shop or laid down to take a nap. It may look like a big dog house but let’s just not put it that way. The house is made of waterproof wooden board with a slide window, a lockable sliding door and a tiny desk for laptop. It also has a Berliner Hocker chair and a mattress. The 1-SQM house is also available for rent on AirBnB. You can call this 1-SQM House a revolution against the expensive real state.

  • The One Square Metre House
  • The One Square Metre House
  • The One Square Metre House
  • The One Square Metre House
  • The One Square Metre House
  • The One Square Metre House