Curved/labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Original Apple Macintosh

Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (4)

‘Back to the Future’ better be said now ‘Mac to the Future’ as a German based IT company CURVED/labs introduces Concept iMac. A retro-futuristic concept, this iMac is put forth as a tribute to Apple’s massive contribution to smart technology first began as Macintosh ‘Lisa’ in 1984. This reborn version of Mac has similar internel components of MacBook Air with some nice additions, like an 11.6 inch touchscreen which can also be controlled via a mouse and keyboard. The processor used is i7 from Intel and SSD memory has 128 GB built-in. A camera, speakers, microphones, SD card slots, Bluetooth, WiFi, USB 3.0 and lightning port are featured as well. The size and style is uniquely minimalist and futuristic, with the same high quality casing of aluminum just like of Macbooks, iphones and iPads. Offering in silver, gray and golden colors, CURVED/labs has a reason to start production as per our shoutout.

  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (4)
  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (1)
  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (2)
  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (3)
  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (6)
  • Curved labs Pays Tribute to Design History of Apple Macintosh (7)