Falling Upwards: King Aragon’s Stairs in France

Falling Upwards King Aragons Stairs in France (1)

Ever heard of falling ‘upward’? The King of Aragon Steps (in French; Escalier du Roi d’Aragon) is one of the most beautiful and breathtaking view in the world. The stairway was carved into the side of a steep limestone cliff in Bonifacio, Corsica, France. It was once used to carry water to citadel but it takes visitors to the sea now. Making 187 steps stairway leads from the cliff-top right down to the sea level. This could be the most incredible experience for youngsters. There are no elevators, only leg power is required. It looks like a dark line from far and little tricky to say, which way is the up. Falling Upwards King Aragons Stairs in France (3)


Falling Upwards King Aragons Stairs in France (4)


Falling Upwards King Aragons Stairs in France (2)