Replica Prop Forum has finally come through to create the master piece after the DL-44 blaster, (original believed to be destroyed) The Han Solo’s non-firing blaster used in Star Wars (Strike Back and Return of The Jedi) films. This is based on the real life German Mauser C96 firearm. According to the authorities and Adam and Norm, it is the utmost replica of the original piece. This will be integrated in an auction later on with other firing guns used by Harrison Ford in numerous famous movies like Indiana Jones. History profilers, who will be at the auction, authentically consider that this piece is one and only Han Solo blaster exterior of Lucas film’s collection and makes this bit priceless, presumably used by Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker. In Motion Picture history this is a truly remarkable piece for public auction at Dec. 21 valuing up to $200,000 to $300,000. So, start collecting your coins and stash; may the force be with you on that day.
Han Solo`s Blaster From Star Wars Up For Bid