Li-Fi Turns Every Lightbulb Into an Ultra-Fast Wireless Network

Li-Fi Turns Every Lightbulb Into an Ultra-Fast Wireless Network

Emerging of the new Li-Fi technology is the result of a research conducted by engineers at Fudan University who have discovered that the present-day Wi-Fi data-transferring related problems could be resolved, or made considerably better, by modifying the medium of the waves, from radio waves to light. In this technology the light is essentially used as carrier of data instead of traditional radio frequencies. Though both light and radio waves fall in same category of waves i.e. electromagnetic, the former has about 1000 times the frequency than that of the latter. Thus, the higher the frequency, the higher is the amount of data transmitted. Based on the fact of electromagnetism, the flickering property of an LED bulb (an ordinary energy-saving bulb which flickers 10,000-40,000/sec) is used to convert the data into information. This means that, it can practically turn a light bulb into data emitting source. A camera on your device decodes that flickering and this whole process literally enables the computer to receive lightning fast data speeds. Of course, you possibly would object how can you browse under your blanket? We’ll have to face somehow similar problem in next generation WiFis as they would be using higher radio frequencies. However, lots of improvements are expected in near future. Via