LifeStraw Steel Personal Water Filter

To celebrate the first decade of serving, LifeStraw has released a new edition of our favorite personal water filter. As you might guess from the title, the main difference in LifeStraw Steel from regular older LifeStraw Personal, which was first introduced in 2005, is in the material body.

In contrast to the basic plastic model the latest version is made almost entirely out of stainless steel. Apart from the new housing, Membrane LifeStraw Steel now uses replaceable cartridges with activated carbon, which cleans the water from harmful chemicals, chlorine, heavy metal, salt, and in general improves the smell and taste of water.

Also there is a slight change the overall design of the filter, its size and weight, respectively. Full length of new filter is 21cm, 3cm diameter and weighs 125 grams (68 grams heavier than the plastic version).

The LifeStraw Steel with its synthetic fibers promises to clean any water (except the salty ocean water) 99.9999% from bacteria and various viruses. The maximum life span if this compact filter is 1000 liters and activated carbon cartridges must be changed every three months.

In our view it is a must have life saving accessory for wilderness explorers and camping/ hiking enthusiasts. Besides that for every LifeStraw ($59.95) sold one child in Africa gets clean water for full school year. Another good reason to have it.