
Nintendo Gameboy Converted to Android Gamepad

Use Nintendo Gameboy as Android Gamepad

Once, Nintendo Gameboy was the most favorite gaming consol. Now again you can revive those memories. A geek at Instructables has hijacked the Dot Matrix Gameboy and gutted it to take advantage of an Android Gamepad. The smart-jacking procedure involves a Wii Controller IME and a faulty Dot Matrix Gameboy that has no use nowdays. The Gameboy, after the successful alteration into Gamepad, works for any application or game that involves Android keyboard input and needs only a Bluetooth connection to get connected with android tablet/phone. Currently, it’s only been tested on Galaxy Nexus and as a SNES emulator but may work for any Android based tablet or phone, as said by its creator. Check out the video after the jump.

  • Use Nintendo Gameboy as Android Gamepad

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