PowerCurl Mini for iPhone USB Adapters

PowerCurl Mini for USB Adapters (2)

Smartphones are handy until the battery is dead. Quirky has made your life just by liberating you from the counter. PowerCurl Mini for iPhone USB Adapters is perfect to get rid of the jumble of power wires in your bag. Chargers have to be plugged in for hours and time and again, you need to haul the adapter with you but there is no point if you have to face the clutter of wires every time. The PowerCurl Mini facilitates in recharging and neatly arraying the fussy wires. Simply move the adapter in center, turn the silicone coat and drape the cord around it. It is attuned with iPhone 5 USB power adaptor plus earhucks.

  • PowerCurl Mini for USB Adapters (2)
  • PowerCurl Mini for USB Adapters (1)
  • PowerCurl Mini for USB Adapters