
Powerslayer By VelvetWire

Powerslayer By VelvetWire (3)

A new revolutionary, energy efficient USB charger is available here. The charger is called PowerSlayer and designed by Jennifer Lee and Eric Bodnar at VelvetWire. This charger has put an end to the energy sucking vampire chargers. The PowerSlayer charges your mobile device in a very efficient way and the embedded software astutely eradicates energy wastage and improves the performance of your battery all the way according to the needs of battery. During the charging its LED light remains orange and it turns green after completion. This is very useful to almost all the USB devices and it will be very productive in clean energy future. Powerslayer is a savvy, dependable, expedient, well-designed and incredibly intelligent. It is a next step towards the evolution in clean energy.

  • Powerslayer By VelvetWire (3)
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