Southern Bunk Bed Design

Southern Bunk Bed Design

Southern Bunk Bed Designs are elegant and vintage style bed designs by Del Mar Construction Company. These bunk beds have made possible for two people to sleep in the same room in a fit of style and comfort on separate couches. Initially people used these beds in places with limited floor space such as army garrisons, summer camp cabins and children’s rooms etc. The designer has handled the Condo remodeling and brought the conservative southern beauty to the beach. He used rich wooden floors with all white walls and managed to bring to the feeling a Southern Plantation home. He also managed to add as much hidden storage spaces as possible to the Condo. This custom bunk bed presents the room with soothing look.

  • Southern Bunk Bed Design
  • Southern Bunk Bed Design
  • Southern Bunk Bed Design
  • Southern Bunk Bed Design