SwivelCard is the paper based USB Business Card that you can give out to your clients, customers or any business partner you want to keep in touch with. This simple idea features full analytics and remote access even after you give it out. That’s why we call it “Smartest Business Card” ever made. Not just that, it has built-in NFC interface for instant accessing the information, link or redirection page stored in it. For those who don’t have NFC yet, you may use A Quick Response (QR) code on its back. Unlike regular USB sticks, you cannot store your data in it but you, as a customer, can access the data or information of the card’s owner. There are number of possibilities to interact with your clients using this technology. It’d definitely give you a chance to stand out in marketing your brand or your business. Grab a pack of 10 Mini Swivelcards to try out this tech.
Swivel Business Card USB