Designed by the young freelance designer Da Feng, a small spotlight on the very interesting “Flake Concept Car”, a study of style around a futuristic vehicle whose body is entirely designed with a view to optimize the aerodynamics. Adopting the concept of spoiler (as typically found in the back, controllable or not) the whole of its body is composed of a multitude of “mini-spoilers” made of carbon fiber which also have the peculiarity of adjusting each spoiler separately. Named as “Flakes”, they are positioned flat by default and can be steered electronically when the vehicle enters into narrow places to keep the best ride possible. But that’s not all; it also has the “D-Wheels” that improve the contact between the wheels and the road.
Category: Vehicles
BMW “Ghost” Concept Motorcycle
Innovative in terms of chassis design, a small spotlight on the beautiful concept of “BMW Ghost”, an interesting study of style around a concept sports motorcycle with the logo stamped on the propeller. Designed by designer Marko Petrovic this ride is powered by a 6 cylinder 1600 cc. Relatively finalized in terms of style and rather well thought out technically. Discover all the details of the prototype in the images below.