Light packing is a headache for when it comes to an outdoor picnic and camping. Ultralight Backpacking Stove by Vertex is here to solve half of the problem. It is made tempered 301 brushed stainless steel material and ultra portable. It folds into a flat plate and easy to remake it into a stove. This stove is so light just weighing 1.8 ounces (50 grams) and you won’t even notice it in your backpack but as a precaution you must take a notice because you don’t want to be camping without the camp-fire. For fueling the stove you have the option between the Esbit superlight, solid fuel tablets or the Trangia Spirit alcohol burner. Now you can more space for food than before. Enjoy the camping with extra food for all. [VIA]
Vertex – Ultralight Backpacking Stove