Vitrocsa’s Glass Walls Slide Around Corners to Serve Your Crave

We build houses around the spectacular view. for what? Obviously to inhale and eat the beautiful view with our eyes, as much as possible of it. And our fortune designing architects are pushing more and more the limits of designs with windows from floor to ceiling, making the boundaries less between inside and outside. But the perfectionist would naturally prefer no obstacles in the view, so no window frames and moldings around the windows and even corners of the room. The question is how far can design go with our wants?

The answer is designed by the UK based window/door manufacturer Vitrocsa, who recently came up with a clever solution where the windows completely disappear when they open late. Have a look at the video below. The rotating system takes the concept of normal sliding just that little step further by using glass panels can also turn the corner. That alone is obviously super convenient, but what design makes it even better is that your windows can then slide into a wall. So it will be very easy to outside to get inside. The only disadvantage of sliding glass walls is that you actually can never disappear completely.Truly the “design” is blessing. Watch the video below.

Sliding glass walls (2)

Sliding glass walls (1)
