
WaterDrop Ecourages Saving Cold Water in Shower

Recently a Spanish startup Esferic presented a very original way to save water that we feel is our right to waste. The young team of enthusiasts from Spain offers to think about how much water you are wasting unnecessarily before configure the optimal water temperature for showering?

For example, when you open the hot tap you a few seconds until the warm water starts coming. However, for those few seconds of time to few liters of water will be wasted in drains. And so it may occur several times a day every day.
Startup WaterDrop proposes to accumulate valuable liters and use that for other household needs. For that purpose you don’t need to use buckets in the bathroom. Instead you can get this special water bag called WaterDrop with straightforward instructions for use:

(1) Hang the bag in the shower.
(2) Put the shower head in a bag.
(3) Fill the bag with cold water until it is heated to the desired temperature.
(4) You have just saved about 3 liters of water, which can later be used for any purpose.

WaterDrop made of thermoplastic polyurethane. This type of plastic is resistant to tension and temperature extremes. Therefore, the packet will be a long time to serve their owners. In fact, WaterDrop is a simple plastic bag. However, the developers have taken this into account and choose “the best functional material with long-term use. The bag is designed to meet the daily use and convenient. It can be easy to carry in your hand or hang on the shoulder. Unusual product also equipped with a special tube for watering houseplants.

Available through kickstarter you’ve left only 4 days to pre-order WaterDrop for €12.

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