
The World’s First Unstealable Bike

The Worlds First Unstealable Bike (5)

It seems people are pretty serious about bicycle theft these days. Unstealable Bike was the idea which 3 Chilean engineering students decided to come up with after being victims of the theft of their bicycles. Until now, when the project Yerka is live on Indiegogo. The inventors have completely redesigned the way people used to see Bike Locking System and it seems to be the most effective way of preventing your bike from theft. The innovative part in this bike is that the bicycle uses it’s own frame to secure it to a tree, a lamp post or simply to a bike rack. The lower part of the frame easily splits apart and becomes the arms to hold Seatpost (seamlessly wrapping around the lamp post/bike rack). Currently, it takes a key to secure but the makers are focusing on providing a keyless system which may work essentially via Bluetooth. Say good bye to “bike lockers” that used to provide highest security because now you can have Unstealable Bikes with foolproof security. Shipping may start in October 2015.

  • The Worlds First Unstealable Bike (5)

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